Financial Statements

Fund-raising is a time-consuming and expensive process. Instead, we present needs and trust the Lord to provide. We do not solicit gifts.

Kids for the Kingdom’s fundraising philosophy can be summed up by this simple principle: “God’s Work – done in God’s way – will not lack God’s provision” – J. Hudson Taylor (British Missionary to China – Circa 1853)

Because we have a responsibility to be faithful stewards of what God has given to us, we rely on a set of basic financial principles laid down by our Board to govern the organization
We subscribe to a written statement of faith clearly stating our commitment to the evangelical Christian doctrine. Because of this, we strive to maintain solid Biblical financial principles in all aspects of our organization.

  • We are governed by a committed and highly involved Board of Directors which meets quarterly to establish policies, approve budgets, and review operational results and ministry accomplishments.
  • Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Our financial statements are audited annually by Maze and Associates, an independent public accounting firm. Copies of our current audited financial statements and IRS form 990 are available upon request.
  • Fund-raising is a time-consuming and expensive process. Therefore we do not solicit gifts; instead, we present needs and trust the Lord to provide.
  • When gifts are designated to a specific project, we will ensure that those donations are used for the purposes for which they were intended. Our Board has directed that all contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects and that we may assess up to 5 percent to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be reasonably applied to that project. When that occurs, we will use those funds to meet a similar need.
  • Contributions to Kids for the Kingdom are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
  • While not the only measure of non-profit accountability, administrative overhead is recognized by most donors as being a key indicator of non-profit financial responsibility. We continually strive to keep our administrative overhead low while still providing critical funding for necessary administrative expenses, without which we would not be able to reach our beneficiaries. In 2018, 88 percent of our total operating expenses went directly to programs helping children, families and people-groups in need.
  • We are constantly measuring our impact at every project location and in every country. Each year we create an annual census report showing the number of lives reached by country, project and location.
  • Out of respect for our supporters’ privacy, we do not sell or rent our mailing list to other groups wishing to use the names and addresses of our supporters.

2022 financial statements

2021 financial statements

2020 financial statements

2019 financial statements

General Gift

Give to where most needed



December 11, 2021

Staff From Star Of Hope Medical Center


December 10, 2019

Ministering In Rats Nest Area


December 10, 2019

The Value Is Priceless

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

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Kids For The Kingdom
PO Box 85
Graton, California, 95444,
United States
Phone: 707-829-5504
[email protected]

Kids for the Kingdom is a 501c (3) charitable organization recognized by the IRS. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. More than that, your gifts will do so much for kids around the world. Copies of our audited financial statements, IRS form 990, and other financial information is available upon request.

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