Julia in Ukraine

Julia - Natashas niece Ukraine18 days ago, Julia (the Niece of our Russia National Directors Natasha and Valodia) was struck by a drunk driver as she was walking home in her village in Ukraine. She has been in the hospital in a coma and unresponsive up until a few days ago. Over the past week when her mother would speak to her she would try to reach for her and hug her. The doctors have been saying these motions were just reflexes and that Julia has no real hope of getting better. However, yesterday Julia sat up, opened her eyes and started speaking coherently. She recognized her family, remembered the accident, and talked to her aunt Natasha on the phone. The doctors are astonished that she could wake up and be mentally ok after 18 days in a coma. For her to be able to walk again, she will need an operation on her back which will cost several thousand dollars and in addition will need to go through a lot of rehab. Please pray for Julia to fully recover and heal.

For those interested in helping with Julia’s medical expenses please see the link below to contribute to our emergency medical fund.




To help with Julia’s medical expenses, please visit



December 11, 2021

Staff From Star Of Hope Medical Center


December 10, 2019

Ministering In Rats Nest Area


December 10, 2019

The Value Is Priceless

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

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