Kids for the Kingdom Ghana National Director Bernard Asare has a vision to win his country for Christ. He knows that people in the rural areas have very few opportunities to hear God’s word. So, every few months, he plans an outreach using the Jesus film, activities, soccer and even video games to gather people together in order to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. This month, he and his team will travel to rural Worawora in the Volta region. Worawora is over 4 hours from Rev. Bernard’s home in Accra. Because of the tough roads, his car is constantly in need of repair. Pray for the necessary repairs to be made to enable a safe journey this month and a productive time sharing the Gospel with the people in the region.
Staff From Star Of Hope Medical Center
Ministering In Rats Nest Area
The Value Is Priceless
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Kids For The Kingdom
PO Box 85
Graton, California, 95444,
United States
Phone: 707-829-5504
[email protected]
Kids for the Kingdom is a 501c (3) charitable organization recognized by the IRS. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. More than that, your gifts will do so much for kids around the world. Copies of our audited financial statements, IRS form 990, and other financial information is available upon request.